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I was able to complete it, but there's very little actual guidance to how to find your way around, and the time limit until the monster gets too fast to outrun is a pretty good idea so you're not left wandering for hours looking for your cabin.

Thank you so much for playing the game and making a video on it! Glad you got to beat the game even without much guidance(we will add that very soon). Great video, keep it up

It's really hard to see anything as soon as you walk out of the cabin, I would recommend making the flashlight stronger or increasing the range. It's also very unclear on what to do without relying on the pages description. Try adding some tasks system in the UI like "Go outside" and then "Run back home"for example.


So I've tried a few times to return to the cabin but have to give up. While there's a neat moment and the monster is suitably setup, there's room for growth. The game suffers from some pretty serious lag that makes it difficult to play. Additionally there's a bug where if you spin too much to one side you hit some barrier and can no longer rotate and have to wind yourself the opposite direction. It seems like the rotation has a clamp and doesn't properly set itself upon completing a full rotation.

The moment where you turn around and the cabin is gone and the woods seem entirely foreign is phenomenal. If it wasn't for that moment I'd have moved on. Even just making the game performant and fixing the rotation bug would make the experience more approachable.

Though there's room for some neat additions that could turn this into a solid horror one-off. One thing that'd make the moment-to-moment better and build on the horror is to spend a bit more time developing the woods. Create some very distinct landmarks and then have those move and vanish behind the player like the cabin, it would be pretty unique and fit with that first rug pull.

Also have some sort of lead on where to find the cabin. Maybe a flickering light in the distant that sometimes is the cabin sometimes isn't or a pillar of smoke. Something that gives the player a bit more to follow on than blind luck, and if you pair that with shifting landmarks you could really play with the player's mind.

There's a neat classic-in-waiting in here if refined.

Appreciate the in depth feedback! You touch on a lot of good points that we are working on/will work on. It is still in development and things like ui, visuals, gameplay will be updated soon. Glad you liked the cabin aspect in the beginning that was something we made sure to include in the early prototype/demo.